We'll process your order in 1-5 business days. And you can receive it around 3-8 business days after it is shipped. Sometimes may longer especially during activities.
You will receive confirmation by email once your delivery is dispatched which will include the third-party tracking details of your order.
Orders placed over the weekend will be scheduled for immediate shipment on Monday, and your patience will be greatly appreciated. A shipping confirmation email will be sent to your email once the order is dispatched which will include the logistic and tracking number of your order.
For pre-orders, please refer to the shipping date on the product page.

We’ll deliver your order to your home directly. But if nobody at home, courier will put it into pick-up station which you need to self-pick up. So please put in the correct shipping address where you are convenient to get the parcel.

Order Cancellation
Order Cancellation: If you cancel orders that haven't entered the shipping process yet, no charge fee.
Change of Address: No charge fee.
Replacements and exchanges: No charge fee.
Order Cancellation: If your order is shipped and cannot be modified, you may reject the package and you are required to bear the delivery cost for both directions.
Replacements and exchanges: If a merchandise is returned not due to a quality issue, you are required to bear the delivery cost for both directions.

Return & Exchanges
Merchandise purchased at the YEEDI Online Store can be returned within 30 days upon purchase without any justified cause. If a merchandise is returned or exchanged not due to a quality issue, you are required to bear the delivery cost.
You can refer to the link to know more about return and exchanges: